
The percentage of business needs fulfilling a solution scope

Coverage focuses on solution discovery and development processes to meet specific organization needs, with a clear definition of completion.

Coverage Examples

Ideally, requirements should cover all organizational needs within a scope. However, if some requirements cost too much, stakeholders negotiate to satisfy them another way. For example, they may decide to perform some processes manually because they don’t justify automation.

Discovery completes when requirements cover 100% of the needs within scope. Development completes when a solution covers 100% of the requirements within scope.

Coverage References

  • Discover as many customer needs as possible and decide which ones will cover your solution scope.

  • Setting the Decision Table

    Decision trees and tables show all possible outcomes of a decision, ensuring coverage of every scenario.

  • “No Time” for Benefits

    Business analysis focuses on the solution’s benefits, ensuring it covers business needs as thoroughly as possible.
